On Monday the 18th of April, the South African Only Search Ranked Movement begins. At the time of writting, 1672 people have taken the time to sign the online petition. (I’m sure the page views are x100 that)

Competitive Dota 2 in South Africa has struggled of late, the in house leagues have died (SAIHL) and searching a ranked match just results in a endless que. However it appears that this is all coming to an end. One motivated individual has created the website (www.onlysearchranked.co.za) calling for all South African Dota2 players to stop searching for normal matchingmaking games and only search ranked matchmaking for the foreseeable future. (Website) About 30% of users on server are throwing out the #OSR tag. Word has spread, the hype is real! Our Server is a party at the moment, full of crazy builds and ceremonial feeds.(Has been since we got our servers) Come Monday though, it’s business time.

This is a call to /r/dota2 to get involved and join us on our African MMR adventure. If you’re South African, I implore you to check out the website, search ranked from Monday and continue being positive and lekker. If you’re a Dota2 player from anywhere else in the world, please come join us, the more we have the faster we’ll find games, the better we’ll get and the more entertaining things will be. We need high skilled players showing us how it’s done. Generally people will have mics and communicate in English. Of course there are always exceptions, and trolls, but that comes with any server.

It’ll be incredible to have a platform from which South African Dota2 players can get recognized. Hopefully we can get some high MMR games (and players) going, and who knows maybe I’ll live to see a South African player/team at TI.

I’ll be playing ranked, spectating high level games and streaming erryday for about 10 hours, if you can’t handle the ping or just feel like spectating the pandemonium then please join in. (https://www.twitch.tv/babylegsrsa) My intention is to try provide coverage of this chaotic transition in South African Dota2 and to be as involved as possible. It’s going to be a stressful time, ego’s are going to be hurt, friendships will be redefined, and hopefully 1000’s more hours will be poured into this game. I’m beyond excited.

TLDR; Drive to only search ranked on South African servers. Come lose/gain MMR with us. Shameless self-plug.

Also, I drew a picture because I’m excited. (http://imgur.com/MIgd3j3)

– BabyLeGz ❤